• English Poetry

    Ode to a Sibling

    Is there a burial ground for a heartache?
    A deep distant corner to bury your feelings
    Of the sort that were suppressed
    Emotions left unexpressed
    The ache of a playmate lost
    The agony of a companion gone
    The hand that helped me walk
    The one who shaped the way I write and talk
    Never to come back again ..you're gone without a trace
    Every time I've thought of you I've held back
    Stopped myself from wondering
    How it would have been had you been around
    How you'd have felt
    In my moments of joy and those when I was in pain
    Years have passed yet the hurt remains
    The unsaid and the unreleased is what I pen today
    Don't need photographs on the wall
    I close my eyes... I see your face