• English Poetry

    A Summer Crush

    A school boy's crush
     Nothing more than that
     A summers infatuation
     They said it wouldn't last
     No problems no worries
     Not a care for the world
     Two young hearts skipped a beat
     Only to beat together in rhythm
     Hand in hand we walked many a mile
     Stole kisses in the park
     Boy what a summer it was
     Gave each other more than just our hearts
     Summer ended twas time part
     Promises were made meaning to be kept
     Seasons changed winter came
     The flame survived through letters exchanged
     The spring flowers blossomed
     Another summer was nigh
     Sparks they flew again when we met
     And the flame it burnt bright
     But this summer was different from the one before
     Made for each other was the new country lore
     We lived for the next year
     And the year after next
     Saying to one other
     With each parting kiss
     Just one more summer
     And we'll get through
     Twenty five summers gone
     We are still here
     Enjoying this summer
     Believing there'll be another and another one!
  • English Poetry

    Wish…Come True!

    I wake up in the morning
     I see your face before me
     I close my eyes and open them again
     Making sure I'm not dreaming
     I mumble a prayer and thank the power above
     All our years together in a moment flash by
     A smile spreads on my face
     I realise what I have in front of me
     Is all that I ever wanted love to be
     A constant companion, a partner in all my crimes
     What I see is my wish…come true!
  • English Poetry

    Walk With Me

    Long walks on moonlit nights
     Hand in hand on sandy shores
     On the hills on an upward climb
     Tearing down the slope
     Ambling on lazy winter days
     A careful trudge through a muddy puddle
     Even on a blazing afternoon
     No matter where we are
     How hard or long the journey
     My all weather friend, my other half
     It's you I'd want to walk with me
  • English Poetry

    Moonlit Heart

    The Moon hung low last night
     The gentle blowing breeze
     The melodic sound of bristling leaves
     Pushed a poets heart was under a spotlight
     Melancholic as the setting was
     My moonlit heart strummed a forgotten yet familiar tune
     Vivid memories filled the spaces in between
     Of a love long lost never to be seen
     The moon with its blemishes and all
     Stood testament
     That nothing in this world is perfect at all
     For in love you are destined
     The higher you soar the harder you fall
     Love sent a message through the receeding moon though
     It won't be long before I go around and am back again
     I'll fade out of your sight
     Sure enough I'll be back full and bright
     Strange is the power love yields
     Can cast as a spell of magic
     Or drive you to the depths of misery
     Inexplicable, inescapble as it is
     The low hanging moon had thrown a curve ball
     Reminding me of a time gone by
     And telling me
     Its better to have loved and lost
     Than to have never loved at all
  • English Poetry

    Since You’ve Been Gone

    Since you’ve been gone
     Been trying each day 
     To find the strength 
     Pick up the pieces
     And somehow move on
     Days run into days
     Years into years
     Time has tried to be a friend
     But the heartache won’t mend
     There’s no easy way
     I look around 
     I see the world I’ve built
     The life I live
     There’s an emptiness 
     Despite the happiness I found
     Maybe it’s not going to change
     The way I feel
     Guess it’s meant to be
     The emptiness is you driving me
     It’s destiny even if it’s strange 
     Since you’ve been gone
     Keep trying each day
     To make you my strength 
     Make meaning of these pieces
     Put on a smile and brave on
  • English Poetry


    We are growing older
     All the mountains we climbed
     We could because for every difficult wheel
     I always had your shoulder
     We were not even meant to be
     Or so we thought
     Keeping each other company
     Good friends it was...weren't we?
     We've come a real long way
     Blessed with beautiful angels
     Who warm our hearts
     Filling them with joy every single day
     We are growing older
     So much yet to experience and explore
     So here's to us keeping the flame alive
     Burn bright and before we go out we smoulder
  • English Poetry


    Remember the time when we were WE
     Remember when would be together and could just BE
     Times when doing nothing together meant EVERYTHING
     Times when arguing was just a way of TALKING
     Remember saying what we meant and meaning what we SAID
     Remember never wishing for a lifetime but always FOREVER
     Times when making out meant way more than LOVEMAKING
     Times when we gave it all but nothing was really worth TAKING
     Remember when we could hear every thought without SAYING
     Remember feeling the pain without anyone HURTING
     Times of living in the moment and every moment worth a MEMORY
     Times of breathing easy around each other and making it easy to BREATHE
     Wonder why life feels like all of it was a LIFETIME AGO
     Wonder what came over us where did all the time GO
     Time perhaps to count our blessings and making the blessing COUNT
     Time to stop changing what we had and remembering to make that CHANGE
  • Brands & Branding

    A Lot Like Love: Branding Your Way to your Consumers Wallet

    The best way to a Consumers Wallet..is through his heart! Image

    As marketers creating products and communication our biggest challenge is to resist an overload of the rational. Facts and figures as tempting as they seem seldom cut through. Moreover,in todays information age facts are available at the click of a button. So do we really need to be giving more?

    Ideally, a brand-consumer interaction should evoke a positive emotion that gets nurtured over time facilitating decisions made by the consumer in favour of the brand. Most agencies argue in favour of an emotional communication and the brand managers are invariably guilty of pushing more fact than necessary. After all, powerful emotions need a powerful loop back to reality. Wrong!

    It is true that emotions are invariably in response to a stimulus and that the extent or depth of consumer reaction is a function of the relevance. Brands attempt closure by communicating why the product is relevant to the consumer.  We all know brands are built over several campaigns. While the consumer is not out there connecting the dots, there is a residual impact that is lasting which is where emotions come in. A rational journey almost always requires a brushing up on the other hand we can restart an emotional journey after a pause,no matter how long!

    Often, the obvious is so close to us that it escapes notice. Having set an emotional context,I guess the mistake that we make is that instead of building on the relevance of the emotion to consumer we bring in the product features.

    One may argue that there’s only that much that can be achieved within 30seconds or 45 or 60 whatever the edit length is. Well, yes and no. Yes, there is a limited timeframe to pack in everything. No, it is not just a TV spot that serves as our communication, we live our life in a continuum, there are other avenues available to build the bridge from the emotional to the rational and from thereon to purchase. I have talked about this in a previous post http://abrandviewstory.wordpress.com/2013/12/27/somewhere-over-the-rainbow-principles-for-finding-the-pot-of-gold-in-a-digital-world/ even outside the digital world money spent on a “build” is better than a “repeat”.

    As a consumer, if the emotion that you evoked was powerful enough, I will try to find out more, I will find that bridge between the emotional and the rational.

    Time and effort are better spent sharpening the emotional side of the communication leading upto why that emotion is relevant to the consumer.The greatest dis-service a brand can do itself is to evoke that emotion and leave it un-nurtured. You might as well spend money on your competitors campaign!

    So as a brand or as a product communicating in the emotional plane, I should have answers to the following questions which are indicative not exhaustive:
    1) The Promise: What am I going to make you feel? Joyous, triumphant, wanted etc.
    2) The Method: How am I going to do it? I am a tool, pride of ownership etc.
    3) The Reason: Why should you believe me? Endorsement, Trust etc.
    4) The Provocation: Why now is the best time? Opportunity, urgency of need, etc
    5) The Exclusivity: Why nobody else will do the way I do? Understanding you, knowing you etc

    A lot like love isn’t it?

    And as food for further thought here’s a recent communication that caught my eye, how many of the above boxes do you think it would tick?
