An Ode… To Those Who Believed
It's not easy to walk a different path To set off on a journey where questions abound The doubts they flourish when you are stepping onto roads That are foreseeably bumpy, uncharted, even inexistent Risking it all doesn’t mean absence of fear The clock is your enemy and the mirror isn’t your friend When you have only yourself to blame and to rely When there are no maps or guiding stars in the sky Tis the believers who hold the torch For the explorers on their onward march No birds ever flew without the wind beneath their wings It is their belief that fuels the hope each passing day brings
Forever Indebted
For caressing my curiosity beyond a tome For creating a home away from home For helping me get up after a fall For pushing me to give it my all For encouraging thought and creativity For ignoring acts of teenage proclivity For the angry glare and timely reprimand For simply saying “I understand” For making sure I became the best version of me For I couldn’t have made it this far had you just let me be
I walk alone Trying to find a way back home I look for a landmark Yet I keep coming back to the start I am tired and strained The sights and sounds seem unfamiliar The shadows grow longer I am scared and frightened I see a light shining in the distance I open my eyes Yes, I am home A loving touch A hand runs its fingers through my hair It's you mother I am comforted by your tender loving care
The Perfect Circle
Art: Circle of Friends by Susan Vannelli I pen these lines to say ‘Thank You’ on what my little one says is Friendship Day
There are indeed things to express and today’s as good as any other day
Always maintained and truly believe that friends are the family one can choose
Our most potent weapons always ready at our behest to convince, corrupt or confuse
To all the friends who befriended me or I ever made
At work, the university, the neighbourhood or first grade
Close or distant so many of you have had a role to play
In shaping me into the person I am from the proverbial clay
To those who really don’t fit the classical definition of a friend
The ones that are always around to support with hand to lend
The parents, siblings, the teachers at school and yes even bosses
The hands of God, the guardian angels, the mystery sauces
To those with whom I stayed the course and they’re but a few
You have a big heart, I know what it takes for being there, for staying true
Then there are those that distances and time pushed away
Mere pauses in our friendship for whenever we meet we just press play
To the handful and hopefully all of you know who you are
My rocks of Gibraltars, my partners in crime, my guiding stars
For a man of words I search for ones that’ll convey what I really want to say
I live and breathe metaphorically and truly it’s because of you I’m here todayWish…Come True!
I wake up in the morning I see your face before me I close my eyes and open them again Making sure I'm not dreaming I mumble a prayer and thank the power above All our years together in a moment flash by A smile spreads on my face I realise what I have in front of me Is all that I ever wanted love to be A constant companion, a partner in all my crimes What I see is my wish…come true!