• English Poetry

    Life In a Cliche

    I love to catch the morning sun in my eye
    Always believed there's a cloud with the silver lining somewhere in the sky
    I long to catch the winter morning breeze
    When it rains I relish the sight of the washed green leaves
    Yes there's a rainbow somewhere with a pot of gold
    For every ending there's a story still untold
    I know that good things come to those who wait
    That there will come a day when all the work is finished or when it is not too late
    I still feel the bitter truth is better than a lie
    That belief is in saying why not rather than why
    Wisdom is not in holding on but letting go
    When the tide is against you its better lying low
    In my life I have not loved wisely but loved deep
    Never made promises I could not keep
    Always tried to disguise my despair as patience
    Looked forward to the journeys and not the destinations
    Chosen life (Well...considering the alternative !)
    Thank you Lord for all the mercies
    Whenever I look back at my life
    I would love to have LIVED it just like the cliche!