• English Poetry

    Give Change a Chance

    The first drops of rain
     May never assure a season of plenty
     Scant as they maybe 
     They most always give new life a chance
     Who ever knew what a new day can bring
     Strange how hope transcends
     The inevitability of the darkness to follow
     Why then do we dread
     That which we do not know
     Who knows an honest attempt
     May ring flowery promises hollow
     Hit a fresh note, strike a different key
     Swing to the rhythm of a brand new beat
     Even two steps forward and one step back
     When taken together can form a dance
    Go on give change a chance!
  • English Poetry

    Just Another Headline

    Incessant blabber, opinions dime a dozen
     Millions more watch glued to the tube
     Ah yes the new age makes it interactive
     They say revolutions have taken shape through the networks
     It ain't gonna change one says in his Saturday night stupor
     We must do something says another
     The others nod and quickly get back to their tipples
     Well destinies of nations have been decided in elite drawing rooms
     The show is over, so is the party
     Each gets back to his life
     Resilience they say, but we all know its not
     The reality speaks through the lives of the millions
    Someday its going to prick
     Someday I will stand up for something
     Someday will see the awakening of the collective conscience
     Someday, yes someday, I tell myself
     She gets up goes to work
     Her reality has not changed
     Oh yes, there are a million people talking about it
     Talking about a revolution
     Its a new day
     Talk was cheap and memories short
     Alone in her battle, she marches on
     Fighting everyday not to become
     Just another headline
  • English Poetry

    Halcyon Days

    Float back to the days...
    Where the days were long and the nights were longer
    Times when we were young and the nights were younger
    To the days where our thoughts were free
     Times when the breeze was cool and so were we!
    Bottles emptied through the night
     A minor argument, a big fight
    Things that went wrong and those that went right
     Endless movies and highway rides
     Guys who spent hours in front of the mirror admiring their looks
     Guys who slept through the night while others sat with their books
    Guys who topped, yet others who flopped
     It all comes back when you walk down that lane
     A drink in your hand without bothering who pays
     Beautiful memories……..those Halcyon Days
  • Hindi Poetry | कविताएँ


    Image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature, text that says "साया सुधाम २०२०"
    लिखने की चाहत तो बहुत है
    जाने क्यों कलम साथ नहीं
    जज़्बात सियाही से लिखे लफ़्ज़ नहीं
    मेरे बेलगाम बहते अश्क़ बयां कर रहें हैं
    अभी तो बैठे थे फ़िलहाल ही लगता है
    पलट गयी दुनिया कैसे ये मालूम नहीं
    जाने वाले की आहट भी सुनी नहीं
    सर पे से अचानक साया हठ गया है
    वो जो ज़ुबान पे आ के लौट गयी वो बातें बाक़ी है
    अब कहने का मौक़ा कभी मिलेगा नहीं
    हाय वक़्त रहते क्यों कहा नहीं
    कुछ दिन से ये सोच सताती है
    अल्फ़ाज़ बुनता हूँ मगर उधड़ जाते हैं
    ख़यालों जितना उन में वज़न नहीं
    डर भी है ये विरासत कहीं खोए नहीं
    मगर यक़ीन-ए-पासबाँ भी मज़बूत है
    लिखने की चाहत तो बहुत है
    जाने क्यों कलम साथ नहीं
    जज़्बात सियाही से लिखे लफ़्ज़ नहीं
    मेरे बेलगाम बहते अश्क़ बयां कर रहें हैं
  • Hindi Poetry | कविताएँ


    उम्र भर निभे ऐसी ही दोस्ती हो
     कहाँ और किस किताब में लिखा है
     गरज़ और ग़ुरूर के बाटों के बीच
     हर रिश्ता कभी न कभी पिसा है
     कुछ कही तो अक्सर अनकही
     आदतों हरकतों का भी असर बड़ा है
     कहते एक दूसरे को लोग कम मगर
     ख़ुशहाल रिश्ते के आढ़े अरमान खड़ा है
     बुरी आदत है ये उम्मीद रखने की
     कमबख़्त कौन कभी इस पे खरा उतरा है
     आइने में खड़े शक्स को भी ज़रा टटोलो
     कौन सा वादा उसने भी कभी पूरा किया है
  • Hindi Poetry | कविताएँ

    विश्वास का दीया

    खुली हवा है वो आज़ादी की
     शीतल करे जो जब मध्धम चले
    एक ओर जो हो हावी तो बने आँधी
     कैसे तूफ़ानों में कोई दीया जले
     अलगाव की चिंगारी कहीं दामन ना लगे
     मिल के बढ़ने के लिए दिल भी बड़े रखने होंगे
     दूर अभी हैं वो मंज़िलें जहाँ ख़ुशहाली मिले
     कटे तने से चलने से कैसे ये रास्ते तय होंगे
     इरादे नेक वही जो अमल में आएँ
     कथनी और करनी को अब मिलाना है
     तेरे मेरे के ये फ़ासले चलो मिल मिटाएँ
     विश्वास लेना देना नहीं कमाना है
  • Hindi Poetry | कविताएँ

    फिर मिलते हैं

    कोई तो है जहाँ
     जिधर तू आबाद है
     इधर तो तेरी हँसी
     तेरी बातें तेरी याद है
     मिलते होंगे वहाँ पर भी
     सालगिरह के मुबारक तराने
     अपने भी मिल गए होंगे
     दोस्त कुछ नए पुराने
     जितनी हमको है आती
     तुम्हें भी तो आती होगी
     फ़िलहाल तो इतना यक़ीन है
     तुम से फिर मुलाक़ात होगी
  • Hindi Poetry | कविताएँ


    रौनक़ लगाते रौशन गली गलियारे
     सजते थे सूखे चिनार के पत्ते सड़क किनारे
     बर्फ़ की सफ़ेद चादर ओढ़े होते सर्द सवेरे
     फ़िरन तले गरमी देते कांगड़ी के नर्म अंगारे
     सिराज बाग़ में सजे लाखों फूल वो प्यारे
     दल पे हौले सरकते छोटे बड़े सुंदर शिकारे
     हरी हरी वादी के यादगार लुभावने नज़ारे
     सैर सपाटे शांत बहते जहलम किनारे
     हुस्न जिसका हर मौसम अलग निखारे
     यूँ ही नहीं कहते थे इसे लोग जन्नत सारे
     फिर मौसम बदला गूँजने लगे नारे
     बिखरे अचानक ख़्वाब जो संवारे
     मुट्ठी भर की ज़िद ने हज़ारों मारे
     खेल खेलने लगे सियासतदाँ हमारे
     पहचान हमारी जो है हमें झमूरियत पुकारे
     ज़रूरी है के जब देश जीते कश्मीरियत ना हारे
  • Musings & Short Stories


    How important is it to have a town that you could call yours?

    Someplace which would always be home…

    You can’t always explain this feeling but one does get attached to places..more often than not these are places where you grew up..despite all their shortcomings some corner of your heart always craves and wishes that you could find your way back.

    The point I’m trying to make is that it’s not just about the house you lived in..there’s so much more associated with a hometown…it is what lies beneath the surface..the people you know, the kids you played with and those you went to school with, the evening hangouts and the neighbourhood store…those quaint places..streets and corners with anecdotes associated with them… always knowing the best place to find most any thing that you could think of..food, shopping for clothes, you name it. I guess this is what constitutes your roots.

    You might spend half your life away from your hometown but it’s always a special feeling when you are back. And no it’s not something that lasts a day or two I’ve noticed that it continues even after you leave..of course with knowledge of the fact that you’ll be back again. But what if you knew that the next time you are back there would be no place you could call home?? If you had to stay overnight in a hotel or at a friend’s or relatives place?

    The word that closest describes that feeling is uprooted!!!

    And to close a few lines from this classic by Jerry Lewis

     The old hometown looks the same
     As I step down from the train....
     ....It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
     The old house is still standing
     Though the paint is cracked and dry
     And there's that old oak tree
     that I used to play on
     Down the lane I'd walk ...
     It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
     ...Then I awake and look around me
     At the gray walls that surround me
     And I realized that I was only dreaming.. 
  • Musings & Short Stories


    Have you ever felt guilty for having forgotten something? Something that in normal course would never ever have escaped you.

    Perhaps forgotten is not the apt word, perhaps not even the right word but in a strange sort of a way it is the word that you’ll use to chide yourself.

    It is an uncanny feeling when you know that there is something brimming underneath the surface but its not front and centre as far as your conscious mind is concerned. All day, you try figuring it out but you can’t.

    And then, like a bolt from the blue it hits you; BAD!! The realisation is like a ton of bricks crashing down on you.

    Question is; what is your reality?

    The fact that you knew something was coming, you thought about it, yet when it actually came you were not even conscious to it.

    So does that mean that our conscious mind builds these memorials and in a foolish sort of a way holds on to feelings of pain and angst whilst our sub-conscious mind takes a more practical approach and treats these occasions more matter-of-factly?

    I reckon there is merit to the argument that if time is the best healer of wounds and if, with passage of time you reach a stage where the only memories that remain are the happy ones, then, not remembering an occasion in effect is a part of the healing since the reason you primarily wanted to remember the occasion was an unhappy one.

    There is no point building memorials, they never are happy places. Sometimes its just good to forget. Its our minds way of telling us that we have indeed moved on.

    All that is required is perhaps a remembrance and it comes in that fleeting moment of quiet acknowledgement. The real deal is mustering up courage to embrace reality.

    So here’s to our sub-conscious mind doing its bit for keeping our “Happiness Quotient” up. 

    Fact of the matter, there are somethings you don’t need to remember, invariably they are also the things you cannot forget.

    To end, in good old fashion a few lines from a song made popular by Nat King Cole

    Unforgettable, that’s what you are

    Unforgettable though near or far

    Like a song of love that clings to me

    How the thought of you does things to me

    Never before has someone been more

    ……Unforgettable in every way

    And forever more, that’s how you’ll stay…