English Poetry

A collection of poems penned by Sudhām on a range of topics.

  • English Poetry


    I walk alone
    Trying to find a way back home
    I look for a landmark
    Yet I keep coming back to the start
    I am tired and strained
    The sights and sounds seem unfamiliar
    The shadows grow longer
    I am scared and frightened
    I see a light shining in the distance
    I open my eyes
    Yes, I am home
    A loving touch
    A hand runs its fingers through my hair
    It's you mother
    I am comforted by your tender loving care
  • English Poetry

    A Date with a Memory

    A Date with a Memory
    A Marked Calendar!
    How does one prepare
    To face impending despair
    What do you do
    When you know the blues are going to hit you
    You see the pages of calendar turn
    A date with a memory awaits
    Passing time hasn't yet healed the burns
    Of a day when you were hit by a cruel twist of fate
    You try to move on
    Carefully treading down memory lane
    Past flashing images of a loved one gone
    The heart laments, aches and pains
    The day passes punctuated with awkward silences
    With the mind and heart attempting conversation
    What one says the other refuses
    Each year its the same situation
    Someday the mind hopes the heart shall learn
    To look back and remember
    The years of pure joy 
    And not just one bad day in September
  • English Poetry

    The Perfect Circle

    Circle of Friends by Susan Vannelli used for The Perfect Circle a poem by Sudham
    Art: Circle of Friends by Susan Vannelli
    I pen these lines to say ‘Thank You’ on what my little one says is Friendship Day
    There are indeed things to express and today’s as good as any other day
    Always maintained and truly believe that friends are the family one can choose
    Our most potent weapons always ready at our behest to convince, corrupt or confuse

    To all the friends who befriended me or I ever made
    At work, the university, the neighbourhood or first grade
    Close or distant so many of you have had a role to play
    In shaping me into the person I am from the proverbial clay

    To those who really don’t fit the classical definition of a friend
    The ones that are always around to support with hand to lend
    The parents, siblings, the teachers at school and yes even bosses
    The hands of God, the guardian angels, the mystery sauces

    To those with whom I stayed the course and they’re but a few
    You have a big heart, I know what it takes for being there, for staying true
    Then there are those that distances and time pushed away
    Mere pauses in our friendship for whenever we meet we just press play

    To the handful and hopefully all of you know who you are
    My rocks of Gibraltars, my partners in crime, my guiding stars
    For a man of words I search for ones that’ll convey what I really want to say
    I live and breathe metaphorically and truly it’s because of you I’m here today
  • English Poetry

    The Semal and The Storks

    Each year come the Ides of March
    The Red Silk Cotton starts to bloom
    ‘Tis then that the waiting starts
    For the winged guests to arrive
    Somehow this cycle of nature
    Hast created for me a sense of normal
    Indicators that all’s well in the world
    The flocking birds and the blooming Semal
    This year too there was the anxious wait
    I wondered if, for the tree had bloomed late
    Woke up this morning and the cynic had died
    The flocking birds brought my hope alive
  • English Poetry


    Sometimes you are struck
    By a feeling that overwhelms
    A strange discomforting sense
    Of a total lack of control
    You are drifting
    The waters are calm
    You sense no turbulence
    Just an inexplicable fear
    Uneasy and unware
    You are still but sinking
    You seek happiness
    Peace and joy
    A good life
    You try maintain pace
    The ground beneath is shifting
    Get a grip
    You coax yourself
    Draw deep for strength
    Look around for motivation
    Believe there’s a silver lining
    Winds change direction
    Things fall into place
    You get dealt a good hand
    Hmmm you wonder if
    The tide is turning
    Green shoots around you
    Blue skies on the horizon
    You are in a better place
    It’s a new view
    Life has a new meaning
    The low felt really low
    Took away all you had
    You were tough though
    Took a couple on the chin
    The real deal is not loosing
    The high it may not remain
    Troubles they may visit again
    But one thing is for sure
    It’s the tussle in between
    That makes life worth living
  • English Poetry

    Since You’ve Been Gone

    Since you’ve been gone
    Been trying each day
    To find the strength
    Pick up the pieces
    And somehow move on

    Days run into days
    Years begin to turn into years
    Yes time has tried to be a friend
    But the heartache won’t mend
    There’s no easy way

    I look around
    I see the world I’ve built
    The life I live
    There’s an emptiness
    Despite the happiness I found

    So much has changed for me
    Yet so much has not
    My first birthday had you carrying me in your arms
    And now my first one with you in my memory, my heart closer than you'll ever be

    Maybe it’s not going to change
    The way I feel
    Guess it’s meant to be
    The emptiness is you driving me
    It’s destiny even if it’s strange

    Since you’ve been gone
    Keep trying each day
    To make you my strength
    Make meaning of these pieces
    Put on a smile and brave on
  • English Poetry

    From A Distance

    How well do you have to know one
    For you to like and admire them
    Isn’t it easy to love such special someones
    Simply from the tales people tell of them
    The smile on one’s face the tear in the eye
    The signs of their rushing memory are hard to miss
    Unstoppable emotions hard as one may try
    Flooding consciousness especially on days like this
    The good die young they always say
    Short lives that shone real real bright
    Personalities that stood out everyday
    Testaments unto themselves if one might
    Nostalgia provokes often with a sting
    Why they had to go and we had to stay
    Nonetheless there’s no telling of the joy they bring
    Each time you think of them more so on their special day
  • English Poetry

    The Feeling

    I know I’ve known this feeling
     Way longer than I’ve known you
     The love I have for you inside me
     Runs miles deeper than I’ve ever shown you
     Should I have said these words
     Did I let you slip away without a fight
     When I so badly wanted to hold you
     Why didn’t I try? Try with all my might
     It wasn’t easy at all but I survived
     Learnt living with a constant craving
     Thought that I was setting you free
     Unaware it was I who needed saving
     What if things had happened differently
     Had I told you would you have stayed back
     Would this love have grown stronger
     If you hadn’t missed it and felt it’s lack
     Does it really matter now? Now I’m with you
     Should I rue the extra years we could have got
     Or be happy for the present and a future together
     Looking forward to what can be, instead of what could not
     Here I am telling you about this feeling
     That’s grown stronger everyday I’ve known you
     The love I have for you inside me
     Runs miles deeper than I can ever show you
  • English Poetry


    Memories are like the rain
     At times, a passing drizzle
     That brings welcome relief
     At times, a downpour
     With no end in sight
     There are times
     You want to reach out
     And every drop
     That falls in your palms
     Sets you aflutter
     Yet on occasion
     You're caught unaware
     Drenched and lashed
     Soaked in muddy despair
     Washed green leaves
     Pitter and Patter
     Bring a song to your lip
     And a spring in your step
     Then there are gloomy dark days
     Not a ray breaking through
     Every droplet weighing you down
     Drowning you each passing minute
     Memories are like the rain
     A little, leaves you wanting for more
     A lot, and your only friend is regret!
  • English Poetry

    The Colour of Love

    Dear God
     Only you know when
     You made this blunder
     You sent down Adam and Eve
     And for them you created this world to live
     You added colour and made things bright
     But this fickle human mind you created
     Was filled with emotions
     To each of them man gave a colour
     And added to the commotion
     Red for passion, Blue for fright
     Green for jealousy though not quite
     But the colour of love man just couldn’t decide
     So dear God send down a colour
     A colour so new and pleasant
     A colour that spans ages
     The past, the future and the present
     A colour to paint this world with
     And make a place worth living
     It just might be her colour and mine
     You just have the name to find!