English Poetry

A collection of poems penned by Sudhām on a range of topics.

  • English Poetry

    Time Travellers

    Two wonderful days that I’ve spent
    Happiness that was heaven sent

    Afternoons filled with tales of old
    Some repeats and many untold

    A lifetime re-lived in just few hours
    Great escapes and magical powers

    Tricks and pranks, our devious ways
    Endless nights that ran into days

    God’s angels or devil’s messengers
    My supporters and firm challengers

    So believe that true friends infuse
    That spark in our life, brighter hues

    Fellow travellers, my companions
    Badges of honour, my medallions

    Forever together, win or lose
    You’re family that I’d always choose
  • English Poetry


    Sometimes when it rains, it pours
    Sometimes it leaves you wanting for more

    Sometimes there’s happiness right outside your door
    Sometimes you have the key, but just aren’t sure

    Sometimes you know what life has in store
    Sometimes you’re just drifting washing up ashore

    Sometimes life’s oozing through every pore
    Sometimes just breathing is a chore

    Sometimes you’re winning, not keeping score
    Sometimes you’re knocked out, down on the floor

    Sometimes you’re on a high, not really you anymore
    Sometimes the mirror shows the real you, flaws galore

    Sometimes you’re in the spotlight the crowd chanting encore
    Sometimes the joke is on you, your ego bruised, battered, and sore

    Sometimes it’s déjà vu, you’ve seen it before
    Sometimes you’re eager, just itching to explore

    Just sometimes
  • English Poetry

    The Rise

    Cast upon me your heart’s fill
    As many of those sly, questioning glances
    Delight if you please at my tumble and fall
    Engineer more such circumstances

    Go ahead! Throw at me all you will
    Vent that angst, do me wrong
    I will turn up for every fight you call
    Each punch you throw only makes me strong

    I shall find strength in the venom you spew
    For every devious plan that you devise
    It’ll only reaffirm and renew my resolve
    I will get up, I will come back, I shall rise

    My belief in my values shall always hold true
    With conviction I will continue to brave every adverse tide
    Each challenge shall build a better me, I shall evolve
    Shaping my future, the past and present in my stride
  • English Poetry

    A Beautiful Friendship

    Wonder if things would've changed
    Or would they have remained the same
    Would we have grown into wise old men by now
    Or remained boys taking things as they came
    Life would have kept us together I'd reckon
    Circumstances no doubt would've made our journeys part
    It would have remained a beautiful friendship
    If only a premature end did'nt beckon
    Had life not made other plans
    You'd have turned 50 today
    Imagine all that we'd have done
    The boys in us would've had their way
    So in your memory we shall pour out one
    Sing songs all night from an infinite playlist
    Do things the only way we would have done
    Have one more and one more till morning come
  • English Poetry

    The Average Guy

    I am your average guy
    The kind that hold the door for you
    Instead of getting ahead on the sly
    I am your average guy
    The type you call your friend
    Not the hottie who you wanna try
    I am your average guy
    The one who sticks around
    Never leaves you hanging dry
    I am your average guy 
    Whose word you can rely on
    Not someone who’s default is a lie
    I am your average guy 
    Happy always to lose to you
    Not hide behind if, but and why
    I am your average guy
    Your very last first kiss
    The love you just couldn’t deny
    Yes I am just an average guy 
  • English Poetry

    The Wiseman’s Lament

    Fear not the fools
    For they have no pretence
    Fear the questions they ask
    For they may expose your ignorance
    Beware of the ignorant though
    They certainly are a dangerous lot
    Stubborn enough to keep facts at bay
    Smart enough to connive and plot
    Wisdom alone isn’t enough for the wise
    The wise must put it to opportune use
    For the fool doesn’t care much for knowledge
    The ignorant love status quo, tis change they refuse
    The fools have no concept of it
    The ignorant don’t find wasting it a crime
    Quest for knowledge is a burden for the wise
    Wisdom isn’t attained overnight, it accrues over time
    The world is fair and uniformly unkind to all
    No matter you are the fool, ignorant or wise
    The wise in their knowledge of it suffer more
    After all, “Ignorance is bliss in fool’s paradise”
  • English Poetry

    The Mind Shapers

    A tribute to all the potters
    Who shape the human mind
    To those who see each piece of clay
    And believe that it is one of a kind
    Their knowledge like deft fingers
    Shaping and moulding the clay
    Expertly spinning the wheel
    Fast at times, at times slowing play
    Carefully grinding and dusting
    Allowing the contours to appear
    Baking and glazing every single one
    To make them last many a year
    So here’s an expression of gratitude
    Towards all those wonderful artisans
    The teachers who have crafted us all
    Into becoming our best possible versions
  • English Poetry


    My nation stands at the precipice 
    A fledgling ready to leave the perch
    Yet a maven helming a new world 
    A beacon of a wise and vibrant past
    A billion hopes ready to take wing
    Aspirations waiting to fly high
    A populace with a newfound voice
    Diaspora that has found the spotlight 
    You know you can reach where you’re going 
    Once you know where you started from 
    India today is an idea whose time has come 
    Our tryst with our destiny has only just begun
  • English Poetry


    Things aren’t always
    As they seem the wise say
    Life is after all, about the greys
    And the games people play

    Be wary of the silences
    For in them lie the seeds
    Of perceptions and pretences
    Scheming and devious deeds

    Minds with power to spread fear
    No sweat broken when a lie is told
    Bereft of emotion, never ever a tear
    Ethics pawned and conscience sold

    Gather ye the guardians of good
    For the hour of reckoning has come
    Stand for what’s right as you should
    Fight for all and not just for some

    The brave must protect and fight
    For the meek to inherit the earth
    Light torches, shine the path bright
    Time to show what truth is worth

    Blow hard, blow high, blow strong
    Drive those storm clouds far away
    For good takes time to come along
    When it does, hold on, make it stay

  • English Poetry

    The Night Watchman

    Dense fog hangs on
    Rather obstinately 
    The underlying sense of gloom
    Is undeniable 
    Rays of the morning sun
    Battle to sneak in
    The air feeble in its movement 
    Struggles to rustle a leaf 
    The embers have braved on
    Valiant in their heat
    They beat a cold night
    The ashes tell their tale 
    The steaming cup of tea
    Signals a new day
    Dutybound or subservient 
    He salutes with a morning wish
    Hope and need intertwine
    Need saying survive another day
    Hope nudging and telling him 
    This too shall pass