
Memories are like the rain
 At times, a passing drizzle
 That brings welcome relief
 At times, a downpour
 With no end in sight
 There are times
 You want to reach out
 And every drop
 That falls in your palms
 Sets you aflutter
 Yet on occasion
 You're caught unaware
 Drenched and lashed
 Soaked in muddy despair
 Washed green leaves
 Pitter and Patter
 Bring a song to your lip
 And a spring in your step
 Then there are gloomy dark days
 Not a ray breaking through
 Every droplet weighing you down
 Drowning you each passing minute
 Memories are like the rain
 A little, leaves you wanting for more
 A lot, and your only friend is regret!